Self-care Tips to Include in Your Beauty Routine

A little self-care goes a long way. It is a process of giving ourselves some much-needed love and care. But in the current times when most of us are trying hard to maintain the impossible work-life balance feat, we usually put it in the back seat. Self-care isn’t selfish; it is important for our physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Scroll through the ‘gram, and you’ll find endless ways of practicing it. However, always remember that there aren’t any set rules or a perfect way of practising it. Whatever makes you happy can be considered as self-care. It can be as simple as masking, blow-drying or even shampooing. Here are some tips that you can include in your beauty routine: Drink water Our body usually gets slightly dehydrated while we’re asleep; therefore, drinking water first thing in the morning helps kick-start the day right. As soon as you get up from your bed, make sure to drink a glass of water. It helps re...