Ways to Maintain the Efficiency of a Double-Door Refrigerator

In this sweltering weather, imagining a day without a refrigerator at home seems difficult. From keeping the veggies and fruits fresh to cooling the drinks and desserts, it’s a must-have appliance. With technological advancements, double door refrigerator models have gained a lot of popularity. They come with separate compartments for different purposes and have different temperature zones.
Refrigerators contribute
to almost 15% of a typical residential electricity bill, hence its efficient
operation can significantly impact the electricity bill. Food items tend to rot
soon in the hot weather conditions. Hence, maintaining the efficiency of your double
door refrigerator is extremely important.
Read on to know some easy-peasy tips to maintain
the efficiency of your double door fridge:
Ensure proper temperature settings
Setting the correct
temperature of your appliance can result in huge savings. In order to maintain
the efficiency of your unit, set the inside temperature of your refrigerator to
around 36-38°F and the freezer to 0°F. To measure the inside temperature, take
a thermometer and place it in a glass of water, and check it the next day. To measure
the temperature of the freezer, place a thermometer between two frozen food
items and check it back after eight hours.
Keep the doors closed
Keeping the doors of your
unit closed is one of the easiest ways to reduce electricity consumption. Opening
the fridge door again and again can have a huge impact on the power consumption.
As the cool air escapes from the appliance, it requires more energy to return back
to its intended temperature. Thus it is always advisable to take out the
required items in one-go and avoid opening the door after every minute.
Keep your food items covered
The stored food should
be properly covered in containers with the help of foil or plastic wrap. Most
food items stored in the refrigerator contain moisture. When left uncovered,
the food items lose their moisture into the air which further impacts the
condenser performance. It will then have to work twice as hard to remove it. Covering
your food will help you retain moisture, preserve freshness, and save power
Keep your fridge full
Well, it always
recommended to not overload the double door
fridge or the freezer, but in reality keeping the fridge full helps the
unit to cool better and operate more efficiently. Do keep in mind to not block
up any vents or controls. You may use empty soda bottles, juice containers, or
water jugs to keep your refrigerator full. This will help you in keeping the
items cold and the refrigerator will also not have to work hard in cooling the
Change filters at regular intervals
It is always advisable to
check the manufacturer’s instructions for any recommendations and replacement
information for your unit. Keep changing the filters of the icemaker and water
dispenser to help these refrigerator components run efficiently and smoothly.
A double-door
refrigerator requires proper care and maintenance on a regular
basis. It can be troublesome if it stops functioning properly mid-way any day. These easy steps can surely help you in increasing
efficiency, reducing power consumption and saving money. There are
various brands in the market that manufacture refrigerators with advanced
features. Panasonic is one such top brand. Its entire refrigerator range is smartly
designed with ECONAVI Inverter system that provides optimum operation while
saving energy, which makes it an ideal choice for all households.
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