How to clean a Microwave oven safely?

From being a saviour for your quick food preparation or bringing back the lost flavor your cold meal after long working hours, the Microwave oven has never disappointed. People of all ages are trying to balance their work and personal life, they want to spend more time with families and close ones and ease off from their stressful life. Microwave oven here plays a paramount role in this aspect with its features to give you hot and delicious food instantly as a result people spend less time in kitchen and more time with their families. However, in between the preparing food and all the binding our microwave oven often gets dirty and tainted with spots. Sometimes these spots become very difficult to remove. Even the best microwaves in India are not safe from any spot or stain. So here are tips to clean your microwave oven safely.

1)Wipe it up with baking soda

To remove any cooked spills from the floor of Microwave oven make a paste of baking soda by combining two parts of it and adding it with water. Apply paste on the spot and let it rest for 5 minutes. Wipe it up with wet sponge cloth.

2)Sprinkle some salt

For any liquid spills on your microwave plate, sprinkle some salt on it. When the oven cools down, it will become easy for you to wipe it by using a cloth. The same trick can also be used to remove stains for microwave with grill.

3)Wet paper towels

One of the most easy and fastest way to clean your microwave oven is by placing a handful of wet paper towels inside it and run it on a high power for 5 minutes. The steam from the towels will soften and it will be helpful to wipe the interior. This method is also helpful for cleaning microwaves with grill by picking the grill out and cleaning it separately.

4) Water and Vinegar

Fill a bowl halfway with water and add one tablespoon of vinegar in it put the bowl in Microwave oven on high for 5 minutes. This technique will steam up the walls of the microwave and will loosen up the dried junk. Carefully remove the glass container and wipe off the interior of the microwaves with a paper towel. Take out the turntable and wash it as you would do with a dish.

5)Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is useful in cleaning the oven when it is all hot and warm and the grease is pliable. Spray rubbing alcohol in the interiors of the warm microwave oven, leave it in that condition for two minutes and wipe off with cloth. Make sure that microwave is off.

It is important to keep everything in your kitchen clean and opt a hygienic life. But to top that if these spots and stains makes you really uncomfortable and triggers your OCD its high time to start using these cleaning techniques to give a tough fight to these hard spots. So get away with these stains using these simple techniques and enjoy your favourite recipes and curries on Panasonic Microwave.
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