What are some Household Hacks to get more out of your Washing Machine?

Life is so much better with a laundry partner that takes care of all our laundry needs. These days, a washing machine has become a must-have for every household, as they ease our everyday laundry job. If you check out online or in store, you'll come across different types of washing machines. From semi-automatic washing machines to fully automatic 5-star washing machines, all arepower-packed with features. However, it is always a good idea to know some washing hacks that will double the benefit.  


Here are some bookmark-worthy hacks. Read them to know, and thank us later! 


Turn clothes inside out


While putting clothes in the washer, turn clothes like jeans and pants inside out. It prevents the outer fibre from wearing down while washing.  


Always read the wash tag 


Every garment comes with a wash label attached to the inside. Make sure to read it carefully before tossing the garment into your semi-automatic washing machine.  


Separate lights from darks 


Star-mark this one!Dark clothes often bleed colour on washing, which can in turn damage the light clothes. So to save yourself from this nightmare, always wash darks, lights and whites separately. 


Don’t overload the machine 



If your laundry loads exceed the capacity of your washing machine, you are bound to have problems with your washing machine. Overloading means that the clothes will not have enough space to tumble and get cleaned properly, which is the opposite of what you are trying to achieve. You can consider buying a 7.5 Kg semi-automatic washing machinefor washing heavy loads. 


Don’t use too much detergent 


Putting too much will make your clothes rough and will lose their shine as well. Excess use of detergent can impact your machine too. It will eventually remove the protective coating from the washing tub and the inner components.  


Keep the washing machine on a platform


Leaving your washing machine on an uneven surface will lead to functioning issues. You will notice such problems while drying your clothes. The tub will either make noise or generate heavy vibrations while running. Semi-automatic washing machines come with a level indicator that tells if the washing machine is on a perfect plane or not. 


Wash new clothes in cold water 

Cold water slows the process of colour fading. Hence, always wash new garments in cold water to increase their lifespan.  


Regular Clean-ups 

It’s a myth that a washing machine cleans itself and does not require manual cleaning. The fact is that the residue build-up affects the efficiency of the washing machine. So, to keep it fresh and odour-free, clean twice a month.  


Clean lint filter regularly


It is necessary to clean out the lint filter from time to time. Even if you cannot clean the lint filter after each load of laundry, try to clean it after a few days so that the filter can keep collecting lint from newer clothes and help the washer run efficiently. 


These were some of the hacks that will surely make your laundry experience better. If you are planning to buy a washing machine this festive season, check out Amazon or Flipkart.  5-star washing machinesandsemi-automatic washing machines are great options. If you have a big family and are looking for a 7.5 kg semi-automatic washing machine, you can also check out Panasonic’s 7.5 kg semi-automatic washing machine. Itis a 5-star washing machine, is economical and consumes low water and energy. 

Image Source: iconfinder.com, dcleaners.com, reliancedigital.in, repairaid.co.uk, which.co.uk, blog.bellinghamelectric.com
